Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Returning home after a week away

I went back to my parents house for a week last week. It was lovely to be home, in a warm house (us students can't afford to have the central heating to be on all the time) with the cat sat on my lap clawing away at my leg 
/\  /\
meow  =0.o= ouch!
When I had to leave I was pretty down... even though I'll only be away at uni for about 4 weeks before the Easter Holidays. But it's still horrible having to leave for the 3 hour drive in the opposite direction from family. 
I was practically falling asleep in the car (no I wasn't driving, don't worry!) My lovely boyfriend Luke was driving. He lives with me, making travelling in his car a hell of a lot more comfortable than having to catch 3 trains and the London Underground.
So I was moody and tired and we finally arrived at our house at about 10pm, I opened the door and WOAH!!

So much mail waiting for me from my swapbot trades. All of a sudden I was very hyperactive, it took a lot of concentration not to tear all the pretty decorations as I opened each envelope. It actually felt like it was my birthday.  :)
I do wonder though, if I put half as much effort into my dissertation as I do for my penpalling... I probably would have finished it by now!

1 comment:

  1. I love when there's a lot of mail awaiting! :)

    I discovered your blog through swap-bot: you sent to me the "flat envelope and a surprise" (from AES), and when I rated I saw the Blog link on your profile. I'm now following you! :)

    Have a nice weekend, and thanks again for the letter you sent me!

